
Cheap bus trips around Spain

With Socibus travel in comfort


Our modern fleet of buses has all the amenities for you to fully enjoy on board.

Socibus offers you the cheapest prices for traveling by bus


We offer the most competitive prices and the best quality / price to travel to more than 50 destinations throughout Spain.

Socibus bus routes

Socibus manages the bus routes Madrid - Seville, Madrid - Córdoba, Madrid - Cádiz, Madrid - Huelva, Córdoba - Cádiz, Córdoba - Huelva, Bilbao - Seville, Bilbao - Málaga, Bilbao - Córdoba, Bilbao - Cádiz, Irún - Algeciras

Socibus manages the following bus routes: Madrid - Seville, Madrid - Córdoba, Madrid - Cádiz, Madrid - Huelva, Córdoba - Cádiz, Córdoba - Huelva, Bilbao - Seville, Bilbao - Málaga, Bilbao - Córdoba, Bilbao - Cádiz, Irún - Algeciras.

Other services managed by Socibus / Secorbus

Socibus / Secorbus manages other transport services and infrastructures in Andalusia.

Socibus urban buses

Socibus manages the urban buses of La Línea de La Concepción.